Friday Fortune Cookie
Medicine is not supposed to taste good.
the original kStyle blog.
If Only We Had a Roaring Fire and Some Tea
Wednesday Writing Assignment
The Modern Mind Puzzle
Monday Questionnaire
The Stoic Immigrants, Continued
Philosophizing to No One in Particular
Day of Balance
Wednesday Writing Assignment
Reason to Celebrate
Monday Questionnaire
Friday Fortune Cookie
Hungry, Hungy Kitten
Last night I was talking to my dad on the phone, just called for a quick hi and "I was accidentally billed for X-Rays; did any of you have them?", and my dad starts talking about an article he read about the work-life balance in a magazine called something like "Corporate Life", which, for some unknown reason, gets mailed to his school. Anyway. The article contends that there IS no work-life balance anymore, that employees work hours upon hours, and the key is to be able to switch gears the instant you arrive home, so that your scarce home-time is home-time. To me, this sounded like the brainwashing propaganda of The Man. I replied, "That's SICK" and talked about the European workplace, how Europeans work fewer hours than Americans but are more productive per hour worked. My dad started ranting about how Americans take everything for granted and in China and India they work multiple jobs just to afford things we take for granted and how those people are like the hard-working, upstanding immigrants to this country who "worked two or three jobs just to afford things we take for granted [note the theme] and still kept their foundations whitewashed every weekend [he actually said that!] and loved working because they couldn't in their own country and were happy just to BE here and didn't MIND working hard..." And on and on.
Another Take
Another Poem for the Road
Wednesday Writing Assignment
Not Feeling Great
A Disturbing Encounter
Monday Questionnaire
Friday Fortune Cookie
If I Were a Doctor...
Wednesday Writing Assignment
Monday Questionnaire (Tuesday Edition)
Fresh Paint
A Fresh New Blog in the Family
Friday Fortune Cookie
Quote of the Week
Wednesday Writing Assignment