Monday Questionnaire: Back-to-School Edition
(Well, the first question, anyway.)
1. What is, or was, your favorite or most essential school supply?
2. Complete the following sentence: I tend to be frustrated and/or unhappy in situations in which I'm unable to ________ .
3. Share a piece of wisdom you've gleaned from a religion other than your own. If you have no religion, then any religion will do.
1. As today is actually my first "first day of school" in nine years, the jury is still out on this one a bit. But I have stocked up on #2 pencils, my preferred writing implement for its texture, ease of use, durability, and down-to-earthness.
2. ...swear. If using some permutation of the word "fuck" is verboten, I'm self-controlled enough to cooperate, but I'm likely to get crabby.
3. I recently read where a Buddhist definition of suffering is "clinging to that which passes." Yes.
1. In sixth grade I loved loved LOVED Pilot pens, especially with purple ink, which I called "perfect purple Pilot pens".
2. get a moment of quiet. Or, move around. A noisy bus is my perfect hell.
3. Well, I was raised Christian, but now I'm more of a Buddhist, so...Which is my religion? I'll share a bit I appreciate from Judaism. I love the whole domestic side of Judaism, how day-to-day home life is sacred. This is especially evident in Kosher law, I think, which makes the meal table a temple.
Ann, what do you like about cranial-sacral therapy? I don't know too much about it.
Emma, right there with you on #2!
Even orthodox Judaism is extremely positive on the sexual front: the three things for which a Jewish woman can divorce her husband are his lack of ability to provide shelter, food, and sex whenever she wants it. That's true: Jewish law grants the woman control over a married couple's sex life, and essentially the man has to provide whenever and however she likes, and to her satisfaction rather than his own.
Overall Judaism's attitude toward sex is very healthy, recognizing it as necessary and pleasurable, and not going in for most of the hang-ups and forbidden whatevers that one often ascribes to, say, Christianity.
Conversions, anyone?
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