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Thursday, November 04, 2004

Election Thoughts: The Morning After the Morning After

Well, at least it makes sense now: Rove deliberately sought the Fundamentalist vote, knowing that millions of Christian zealots didn’t vote in 2000. The gay marriage proposals hooked that demographic, and thus all the surprise exit polls wherein voters cited “values” as their primary concern. An yet, according to NPR, over 50% of voters polled favored allowing some form of same—sex union, be it marriage or civil union with benefits. (If I were a more motivated blogger, I’d provide you with a sassy array of links, but you know how to use Google.)

NPR interviewed some high-ranking Christian nutjob yesterday, I didn’t catch his name, who asserted that clearly most Americans are against same-sex unions and this election proves it and support for same-sex unions is limited to the far-far left. The NPR correspondent cited the over-50%-support statistic, and Nutjob denied that it proved anything, much like he doubtless denies evidence for evolution or ozone depletion: “la-la-la, I can’t hear you,” he thinks.

Even more terrifying is that Rove has said he wants to create a master party to rule America into the forseeable future. (Again: Google.)

I’ve been pondering what we liberals should do. We can’t secede; they have all the weapons and will use them. Better media ain’t coming to our rescue, nor is a great liberal messiah. There’s only one solution:

Breed. Have as many li’l liberals as possible, and then colonize the red states.


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